Determined on his point,Chairman Mike Hendy, said that he will not let the group’s activity of charity events and serving the community close down, but he contradicted himself by saying that he won’t be able to do anything with so few members.
In the last few years, the strength of the club had been thirteen but gradually the number declined and these have not yet been replaced. Optimistic about the future activities, Mr. Hendy said that the average number of member in the club was 21 and he will try to recruit as many people as possible to the club in order to organize the big local events ass in the previous good days.
Following their motto “We Serve”, the group still continues with it’s one of the project called Message in a Bottle regardless their minimal strength. Visiting local elderly people and putting their medical details inside a bottle is main activity carried under this project which helps the elderly peoplein emergency.
Though they are unable to cater to all the requests but still they do the maximum they can with putting much burden on their remaining members.
Mr. Hendy is looking forward to rebuild the group and bring it to a point where they can organize events like Bracknell Carnival or the May Fayre like they have in Wokingham.
Anyone, regardless of their age and sex, interested may call Mike n 0845 833 7837.

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